Major Tom had moved on the previous afternoon to the next shelter, he now seems to be driven to get in as many miles as possible per day.
Obi-Wan, Hellcat and I started our morning with a 2 1/2 mile climb of Albert Mountain. This was a particularly hard climb due to the steepness and rock surface of the last 1/2 mile. I had to hold on trees and roots to get up some parts. I needed to rest every 100 steps.
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Uphill battle of Albert Mountain |
When we got to the top, the morning view was spectacular. We took pictures and since we finally had cell coverage we all called home. There was a watchtower at the top and we climbed up as far as we could and enjoyed a better view. Hellcat the pulled out his stove and we had a nice coffee party. Hellcat and Obi Wan compared hiking in the Alps with here, I learned about Oktoberfest in Munich, we made a decision to take a zero-day in Franklin the next. At about 10:30 am we decided to get back on the trail. I hiked alone for a bit and started to wonder why I always was in a hurry. I am missing so much in trying to get in more miles, including the most delightful coffee parties.
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Coffee Party on Albert Mountain, Hellcat (L), and Obi-Wan (R) |
It was a nice day to hike. We arrived at Winding Staircase Gap shortly after 3 and got lucky as Beverly, a shuttle driver happened to be driving by. She loaded us up, gave each of us a Georgia peach and drove us to another seedy Budget Inn. We checked in and I coincidentally was given room next to Major Tom. We caught up accidentally.
I love hearing about the various people and personalities you encounter along the trail. Are the nicknames provided, or did you make them up? Would love to know more about the things you do at the campsite, like your details on hanging the food bags. Any idea if the person who went with that raided tent was ever heard from again? - XMBI Scientist